Dry Fusion
There have been big changes in how carpet is made and carpet fabrics have changed over the last few years and the evoluation of Dry Fusion.Most notably commercial and domestic carpet has become shorter. Because of the denser pile, airflow is reduced.This means that when you have your carpets cleaned, the carpet/rug is left wetter. Add to this the fact that increased soil and detergent is left behind. These changes have contributed to extraction cleaning methods leaving the carpet/rug wetter for longer, with more residual dirt left behind due to poor airflow.
Residential Services
Dry Fusion has been designed to maximize cleaning performance on these new carpets. Dry Fusion technology is perfect for your carpet cleaning. In Notthingham, Dry Fusion technology is the province of Brenton Carpet Care, experts in the use of Dry Fusion Technology.
- Carpets Dry In 30 Minutes
- More Sanitary
- Less Waiting For Floors To Dry
- Even Less Residual Dirt Left Behind
It works because it doesn`t rely on airflow to clean or to dry. Dry Fusion is the only carpet cleaning system that hot cleans, deodorizes, stain protects then heat dries every type of carpet/rug. It`s all in the same process, and because it is patented, nobody else can use this amazing system of cleaning.
- Better Stain Removal
- Environmentally-Friendly
This unique additive helps block dye sites in the fibre that normally allow food spills and beverages becoming ugly stains. When re-cleaned with the new system using the “shot of steam” most stains are removed without spotting or special effort.
Extraction and other rotary dry cleaning methods use high pH pre-sprays to remove oily soils and protein stains. Sometimes this is followed by an acid rinse to neutralise. Most carpet mills, especially using wool or stain treated nylon reject any exposure to pre-spray of pH 10 to 12, even if only on the carpet for 5 minutes. Damage can take place in this critical exposure stage. The new system uses novel technology that removes the heaviest soils from the fibre at pH 9.8. A neutral pH is approved by all carpet fibre manufacturers and mills.
All emulsifiers and greasy soil solubilisers are highly biodegradable and degrade rapidly. The fresh lemon used as odour neutralisers have been selected for their non-irritant qualities for those with sensitive noses and bronchial problems. Your pets and your children will be able to use your carpets much more rapidly and not be troubled by the scents or the damp rugs.
Healthcare and sporting facilities are notorious for resistant odours like urine, vomit and body odour. The deodorising removes ammonia and even pet smells. If it works in the commercial sector, imagine how good it is in the home. Remove the pet odors from your home by just one cleaning with Brenton Carpet Care.
Talk to the professional carpet cleaner Nottingham deserves today by calling 01159 193836
Further info on the dry fusion tech we use for our carpet cleaning in Nottingham can be found here.
Other Services
Domestic Carpet Cleaning
You may opt for carpet dry cleaning, or for steam cleaning or for one of the cleanings that is often called ag chem dry.. You may also opt for regular carpet cleaning. Brenton cleaning is done using state of the art cleaners and with professional personnel who are able to assist you in removal of stains as well as to make your carpets sparkle like new again and to give you the same kind of carpet cleaning as agchemdry.
Flood Cleanup
Dry Fusion
It works because it doesn`t rely on airflow to clean or to dry. Dry Fusion is the only carpet cleaning system that hot cleans, deodorizes, stain protects then heat dries every type of carpet/rug. It`s all in the same process, and because it is patented, nobody else can use this amazing system of cleaning.
Hotel and Hospitality Carpet Cleaning
We know that it’s about more than just getting your business clean.
It’s about how your customers are treated while it’s all taking place. We make certain that your carpets and upholstery are cleaned to the very highest standard, but we’re also making sure, along the way that any of your customers that we come in contact with are treated with the utmost courtesy and respect. At Brenton, our business is our life and we know the same is true of yours.
Many if not most companies today choose to make long term commitments with companies which they know well. Learning about a company or a contractor and then working with them over the long term is one of the best ways to ensure that you are going to get the business carpet cleaning that you want and that you are dealing with a company that you can trust.
Nottingham Car Upholstery Cleaning
Sofa and Upholstery Cleaning
The ambiance of a clean and wholesome space can do wonders toward making your customers feel comfortable despite any wait. While your janitor or cleaning services can remove the dust regularly, there is nothing like having these sofas and settees professionally and hygienically cleaned deep down.
Fibreloc™ Carpet Protection
Green Carpet Cleaning
Brenton’s Green Carpet cleaning in Nottingham offers you the chance to select the kind of products that you would like to use to have your carpet cleaned. Our regular products are environmentally friendly, but our green carpet cleaning products are more so. Specially created to be more earth friendly and safer for children and pets, you’ll feel good about the products that you used on your rugs. Along the way you’ll feel happier about the things that come into contact with your family.